Pile & Anchor Load Testing

StrucTec provides a wide array of pile and anchor testing services aimed at both owners and contractors.
Test piles can be installed at the design stage to prove out geotechnical calculations and optimize pile design and/or placement.
During construction, StrucTec can act on behalf of owners or contractors to verify piles have been install according to specifications and meet the required capacity.
StucTec also provides pile integrity testing aimed at verifying the integrity of cast in place concrete piles.
ASTM D1143
Static Axial Compression Test
This method of testing uses reaction piles to determine a pile’s ability to receive axial downward or compressive forces. StrucTec utilizes a variety of beam systems combined with reusable helical piles for the performance of axial compressive load test. The benefit of this system is lower costs, smaller footprint, quicker mobilization, and greater ability to test questionable piles.
ASTM D3689
Static Axial Tension Test
Test the pile’s performance under axial uplift or tension loads. This kind of testing can also be useful in cases where the tension load match or exceed the compressive loads, bucking is not a
concern, and there is reasonable consistency in the soil profile.
ASTM D3966
Lateral Testing
Standard test methods for deep foundations under lateral load. Great for confirming wind, seismic, or other lateral loads.
PTI DC35.1-14
Recommendations for Pre-stressed Rock & Soil Anchors Test
Tests the integrity of drilled anchors (recommended procedure). This procedure generally informs proof, performance, and creep testing of micropiles.
ASTM D4945 – 08
HighStrain Dynamic Testing (PDA Testing)
Dynamic impact testing of driven, helical, and concrete piles. This test can provide rapid and cost-effective information on bearing capacity and structural integrity. Its also useful for the analysis of driving stresses and hammer efficiency.
ASTM D5882-16
Low Strain Impact Testing (PIT)
Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing of Deep Foundation is a method of inducing echo or transient responses to verify pile integrity. PIT can help to reveal shaft or pile defects, cracks,
necking, soil inclusions, and/or voids. Pile Integrity Testing is also useful to determine length of
existing piles.